How to use a wood stove without burning down the house
Don’t you just love the aroma and warmth that a wood burning stove brings to you home? I am sure the last thing you want to do is have that same wood burning stove cause a fire. What are different things you can do to stop that from happening?
Well seasoned wood
Try to burn only well seasoned wood. Well seasoned wood will help eliminate some of the sparking that wood that is not seasoned will do. Also, with well seasoned wood, you will not need to open the front of the stove as often. Both of those things can cause sparks to fly and if sparks are flying, sparks can turn into flames and that is what can cause a fire to happen.
Ash management
I know that nobody thinks about this but ashes can cause a fire. Make sure your ash is thoroughly out and that there is nothing hidden and smoldering in your ash. Make sure you discard your ash in a safe place that can contain a fire if one should light.
Just getting into the routine of following these simple safeguard tips can help you enjoy safe, warm and healthy colder weather months.