Is solar power mainstream now?
Solar power has truly moved into the mainstream. Many new buildings and homes are including solar power as standard in their plans. This is because solar installations generate power for the building or home rather than simply using power.
Today’s solar panels constantly produce energy when the sun is out. When the panels produce energy that is not being used, the system is able to supply this power to the electrical company. The electric company will pay you for this power. Plus, systems are able to store power based on your usual usage so that you have power at night or when the sun is not available. And, don’t forget the great benefit of essentially free power! Who wouldn’t the electric company to provide free power forever?
This is what solar power means today. There is no damaging the environment by using carbon-based electrical sources. Even better, the solar energy that you create with your solar installation helps others use less carbon-based sources for their power, too. There are simply no losers with solar power. For more information about solar power, visit our website,